2013年2月21日 星期四

A Valuable Life Lesson

       Gravity and Friction
                   Garth Wahl, Grade 5 and 6 Science Teacher

      In a moment that seems likely to live forever in the annals of derring-do, Austrian daredevil Felix Baumgartner that rode a balloon to the edge of space, saluted and stepped off a platform 38 kilometres high with as much ease as any of us mere mortals might step off a curb.

      The former soldier hurtled through the sky at up to more than 1300 km/h, breaking the sound barrier in a tumbling, gut-churning four-minute free fall before popping his parachute and making a running landing in the New Mexico desert. Then he fell to his knees and pumped his fists. The grade 5 classes watched this in excitement and some realizing how amazing science can be.

     We are currently learning about forces of gravity, friction and free fall. The students were really amazed what Felix achieved. Therefore, it was only fitting to allow the students in their groups, the opportunity to design and make their own parachutes. They were only given a few sheets of paper, string and tape to construct their parachutes in order to bring a falling egg to safety.

      Asking students to work in small groups allows students to learn interactively. Small groups are good for:

Generating a broad array of possible alternative points of view or  

      solutions to a problem.

Allowing students with different backgrounds to bring their special 

     knowledge, experience, or skills to a project, and to explain their

     orientation to others.

※ Giving students a chance to teach each other.

Giving students a structured experience so they can practice skills

      applicable to professional situations.


      Many of the groups brought their eggs to safety when they dropped their parachutes from the second floor. The activity was a success. The students learnt about gravity and friction. But most importantly, they had fun and learnt to work as a team which is a valuable life lesson.


                                     Grade 5 重力與摩擦力

      目前五年級正進行萬有引力,摩擦力及自由落體的主題,老師介紹了一位奧地利籍的極限高空跳傘家Felix Baumgartner給孩子們,他曾創下最高與最低的高空彈跳紀錄,同時也是第一位背著跳傘裝備,以自由降落的方式越過英吉利海峽的運動好手。

      不斷挑戰人類體能極限的Flix在所執行的Red Bull Stratos任務中乘坐太空艙,以氦氣球拉升至12萬8000英呎之後,再以自由落體方式,一躍而下,孩子們都很驚訝他所達成的紀錄。




